About the School

The School of Oral Health Care in Copenhagen is located in the Panum Building. The School of Oral Health Care is educating Dental Chairside Assistants and Dental Hygienists.
The training of Dental Chairside Assistants is a course of vocational training that normally takes 3 years and includes periods of practical work in dental offices.
The training of Dental Hygienists is a 3 year program leading to the degree bachelor of Dental Hygiene.
The School of Oral Health Care is the largest school in Denmark educating Dental Chairside Assistants and Dental Hygienists. Located in the Panum Building together with the dental school we have Denmark’s largest dental clinic with 230 dental units. We have 45 units for our purpose.
More than 400 people related to the School of Oral Health Care daily come to the Panum Building. Furthermore between 100 and 300 patients are handled in our clinics every day.
The School of Oral Health Care has a close cooperation with other similar institutions in Denmark as well as abroad.
School of Oral Health Care
Faculty of Health and Medical Science
University of Copenhagen
Noerre Allé 20
DK-2200 Copenhagen N
Phone: +45 35 32 68 52