Dental Hygienists

The School of Oral Health Care has a long tradition for international cooperation. We support exchange of students as well as teachers. We focus on specific projects developing pedagogical methods, educational materials and curriculum.
The School of Oral Health Care has for some years participated in a Nordic cooperation for both teacher and student exchange.
This Nordplus cooperation has resulted, amongst other things, in exchange with schools in Stockholm and Oslo.
The School of Oral Health Care has for some years been involved in student as well as teacher mobility to countries outside the Nordic area.
The School of Oral Health Care has established teacher and student exchange with several similar schools in Europe.
Quite many of our students go abroad for taking part in international health care work.
The Diploma Supplement is a joint European template for an internationally understandable addendum to examination certificates for further educational courses. The template has been developed in cooperation with the EU Commission, The European Council and Unesco.
The intention of the Supplement is to ease international mobility and promote the transparency of educational courses by providing those who have qualified with comprehensive documentation of the training they have received, including detailed information on the nature, level, context, content and status of the qualification.
The Diploma Supplement includes a description of the Danish higher education structure.
By supporting the exchange of students, teachers and administrators, the exchange programme Nordplus strengthens the co-operation between higher education institutions in the Nordic countries. School of Oral Health Care has established teacher and student exchange with:
Tannpleierutdanningen, University of Oslo, Norway (Dental Hygienist)
Tandhygienistutbildningen, Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm, Sweden (Dental Hygienist)
Assistant Lecturer
Dental Hygienist
Anne Bundgaard Chrone
Phone: 35 33 52 29
Room: 27.2.17